Plenty of changes around the website. Nothing to report as for updates from CTR
One block from each neighborhood has been opened! Move in, buy a house, earn EXP & CC's!!
Welcome to our cybertown colony, where the future is now! Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology will provide you with the best living experience you can imagine. Explore our website to learn more about us and how the GAMES colony can make your cybertown experience the best you've had!
Don't forget to read the Games Colony Code of Conduct:GAMES offers the best futuristic living experience with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology. Our neighborhood, Fantasy Games, is the perfect place for gamers and tech enthusiasts. With a variety of entertainment options and high-speed internet, you'll never want to leave!
The Forgotten Realms block in Fantasy Games offers a one-of-a-kind living experience with immersive virtual reality environments and cutting-edge gaming technology. You'll feel like you're living in a fantasy world with all the comforts of modern living.
Welcome to the Events & Activities page for the Fantasy Games Neighborhood in Cybertown's Games Colony! We offer a variety of events to keep you engaged and entertained, including BINGO nights, Trivia challenges, and more. In addition to game nights, we also hold regular block meetings, provide weekly newsletters to keep you informed, and throw fantastic house parties. Whether you're a longtime resident or new to the block, we invite you to join us and have fun while making new friends. Check out our upcoming events and activities, and we hope to see you there!