
One block from each neighborhood has been opened! Move in, buy a house, earn EXP & CC's!!



Citizens who moved to Forgotten Realms: Link9909, Jett, LukieTe, Jay1185, More to Come!

Plaza has 10 people on average chatting nightly!!


Games Colony is recruiting citizens!! Daily activiy with a Major creative insentives! Check us out!

Forgotten Realms - Organization Chart
Make sure to login daily for your bonus CC and XP!!! Online HTML Editor
  • Colony Leader

    • Colony Deputy Class 1

      • Colony Deputy Class 2

      • Colony Deputy Class 3

    • Neighborhood Leader 1

      • Neighborhood Leader 2

      • Block Leader 1

    • Block Leader 2

      • Block Deputy 1

      • Block Deputy 2

Most Recent Movements in our Colony: